AI Benefits

AI-Enhanced portfolio with ARC

Transform your web3 portfolio strategies with ARC's SwapsAI, eliminating the risk of bad trades and enabling quick, self-run audits. Archimedes makes your Web3 journey safe and smart, boosting your Web3 confidence.


Swaps Tutorial

Cross-Chain SWAPS

Users can now do
Swaps Tutorial Video 1
Experience seamless token swaps across seven blockchains, ensuring the best rates with an instant audit and in-audit chat support.

Limit Order Features



AI Strategies

cross chain swap also generates audit of the target token
AI Strategies Video 1
Instant audit on cross-chain swaps
In chat audit
AI Strategies Video 2
Chat with AI assistant as you audit before making a swap
minimal audits updated
AI Strategies Video 3
Audit tokens that are less known to ensure safety or uncover opportunity

Market Insights

Simplify Digital Safety with Archimedes

Archimedes transforms digital asset security and market analysis. Our advanced AI and live search tools equip you to navigate the digital world confidently. With top-tier smart contract checks, Archimedes boosts your strategy, ensuring you’re always ahead and secure.
live search
Market Insights Video 1
In chat audit
AI Strategies Video 2
minimal audits updated
Market Insights Video 3

User Storiess

Swap Smart, Save Big

Experience the Future of DeFi Swaps! Beginners and experts are both excited with SwapsAI’s capabilities, boasting up to 68% savings on DEX transactions. From the unbeatable rates of OTSEA to the critical insights on $KMN's security, our users are exploring the crypto space with confidence. Don't just swap, swap smart with SwapsAI!

Transform knowledge into earnings through real-time applications