
Stephanie Hamon Flags Gen AI FOMO as Legal Innovation’s Toughest Test

May 20, 2024
6 min

In a candid interview with Artificial Lawyer, Stephanie Hamon, the visionary Head of Legal Operations Consulting at Norton Rose Fulbright (NRF), delves into the evolving landscape of legal operations and the challenges posed by the relentless hype around Generative AI. Hamon identifies the prevailing challenge in legal innovation as “FOMO,” the fear of missing out on Generative AI advancements. Amidst the noise surrounding Gen AI, teams may rush into adoption without laying the necessary foundations. Hamon underscores the risk of prioritizing the ‘fancy stuff’ over the foundational elements crucial for reaping the benefits of technological advances.

The Genesis of Legal Operations Consulting at NRF

Stephanie Hamon’s journey began four years ago when she introduced the Legal Operations Consulting group at NRF with a mission to empower in-house teams globally. Reflecting on her trajectory, she highlights the challenges faced by legal teams—more for less, tech adoption, and defining the ‘lawyer of the future.’ Drawing from 15 years in private practice and four in-house, Hamon envisioned a consulting approach rooted in firsthand experience, aiming to position legal teams as strategic business partners.

Generative AI and the Legal Innovation Terrain

Over the past five years, Hamon’s role evolved from non-existent to trailblazing. She emphasizes the increasing trend of General Counsels (GCs) and in-house teams rebalancing priorities toward strategic partnerships. Looking ahead, Hamon anticipates a surge in demand driven by two key trends: the use of data and the critical role of change management.

As the legal industry grapples with innovation, Hamon acknowledges the recent acceleration but sees it as evolutionary rather than revolutionary. The recent buzz around Generative AI, particularly with ChatGPT’s announcements, has intensified the pace of change. But, Hamon cautiously observes that the industry is still evolving, urging a measured approach to avoid overlooking foundational elements in the rush to embrace AI.

The Role of Law Firms in the Age of AI

Addressing the role of law firms, Hamon emphasizes client needs as the compass guiding the industry’s trajectory. She foresees a natural expansion of services by law firms to meet the evolving demands of GCs and in-house lawyers dealing with increasingly complex challenges. The shift includes offering multi-disciplinary skills and support for strategic elements of their roles, such as digitalization and talent retention.

The Challenge of Gen AI FOMO

Hamon identifies the prevailing challenge in legal innovation as “FOMO,” the fear of missing out on Generative AI advancements. Amidst the noise surrounding Gen AI, teams may rush into adoption without laying the necessary foundations. Hamon underscores the risk of prioritizing the ‘fancy stuff’ over the foundational elements crucial for reaping the benefits of technological advances. In the quest for innovation, she advocates for a thoughtful approach, emphasizing the need for a strategic foundation that aligns with the core values of legal operations.

Balancing Technology and Implicit Knowledge

While recognizing the transformative potential of technology in the legal industry, Hamon underscores the significance of managing implicit knowledge—how individuals apply their knowledge in day-to-day operations. Balancing tech-driven knowledge harnessing with effective management of ways of working and relationships will define efficiency and client experience, creating a sustainable advantage. This dual focus, Hamon asserts, is essential for navigating the complexities of legal innovation and ensuring long-term success in the ever-evolving legal landscape.

Empathy in Change Management

In her final message on achieving successful change management, Hamon emphasizes “empathy.” Change management, often overlooked or simplified, requires a deep understanding of users’ needs. Hamon stresses continuous engagement, especially with skeptics, co-designing solutions, and persistent communication to ensure the change is embraced and owned by the stakeholders.

The Future of Legal Operations

Stephanie Hamon’s insights offer a nuanced perspective on the evolving legal ops landscape, cautioning against succumbing to Gen AI FOMO while advocating for a balanced and empathetic approach to change management. As the legal industry continues to evolve, the integration of Generative AI and other advanced technologies will undoubtedly play a pivotal role. However, the key to successful adoption lies in a strategic, well-founded approach that prioritizes core values and the effective management of implicit knowledge.

The Strategic Role of Data in Legal Operations

Hamon anticipates a surge in demand driven by the use of data in legal operations. Data-driven decision-making is becoming increasingly critical for legal teams aiming to enhance efficiency and deliver strategic value. By leveraging data analytics, legal teams can gain insights into their operations, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions that align with their strategic objectives.

Change Management: A Critical Component

Change management is another critical component that Hamon highlights. Effective change management ensures that new technologies and processes are adopted smoothly and that stakeholders are engaged throughout the transition. Hamon emphasizes the importance of empathy in change management, advocating for a deep understanding of users’ needs and continuous engagement with stakeholders.

The Role of Multi-Disciplinary Skills

As the legal industry evolves, the demand for multi-disciplinary skills is increasing. Legal teams are no longer confined to traditional legal roles; they are now expected to possess a diverse skill set that includes digitalization, data analytics, and strategic planning. Hamon foresees law firms expanding their services to meet these evolving demands, offering support for the strategic elements of their clients’ roles.

The Importance of Talent Retention

Talent retention is another critical area that Hamon addresses. As the legal industry becomes more complex, retaining top talent is essential for maintaining a competitive edge. Law firms and in-house legal teams must focus on creating a supportive and engaging work environment that fosters professional growth and development.

The Evolutionary Nature of Legal Innovation

Hamon views the recent acceleration in legal innovation as evolutionary rather than revolutionary. While the buzz around Generative AI and other advanced technologies has intensified the pace of change, the legal industry is still in the process of evolving. Hamon urges a measured approach to innovation, emphasizing the importance of laying a solid foundation before adopting new technologies.

The Transformative Potential of Generative AI

Generative AI, particularly with the advent of tools like ChatGPT, has the potential to transform the legal industry. These technologies can automate routine tasks, enhance decision-making, and improve overall efficiency. However, Hamon cautions against rushing into adoption without considering the foundational elements necessary for successful implementation.

The Risk of Prioritizing the ‘Fancy Stuff’

Hamon warns against the risk of prioritizing the ‘fancy stuff’ over the foundational elements crucial for reaping the benefits of technological advances. In the quest for innovation, it is essential to maintain a balanced approach that aligns with the core values of legal operations. This includes managing implicit knowledge, fostering effective ways of working, and maintaining strong relationships.

The Dual Focus for Long-Term Success

Hamon asserts that a dual focus on technology and implicit knowledge is essential for navigating the complexities of legal innovation and ensuring long-term success. By balancing tech-driven knowledge harnessing with effective management of ways of working and relationships, legal teams can create a sustainable advantage and deliver a superior client experience.

The Role of Empathy in Change Management

Empathy plays a crucial role in successful change management. Hamon emphasizes the importance of understanding users’ needs, engaging with skeptics, co-designing solutions,

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In a candid interview with Artificial Lawyer, Stephanie Hamon, the visionary Head of Legal Operations Consulting at Norton Rose Fulbright (NRF), delves into the evolving landscape of legal operations and the challenges posed by the relentless hype around Generative AI. Hamon identifies the prevailing challenge in legal innovation as “FOMO,” the fear of missing out on Generative AI advancements. Amidst the noise surrounding Gen AI, teams may rush into adoption without laying the necessary foundations. Hamon underscores the risk of prioritizing the ‘fancy stuff’ over the foundational elements crucial for reaping the benefits of technological advances.

The Genesis of Legal Operations Consulting at NRF

Stephanie Hamon’s journey began four years ago when she introduced the Legal Operations Consulting group at NRF with a mission to empower in-house teams globally. Reflecting on her trajectory, she highlights the challenges faced by legal teams—more for less, tech adoption, and defining the ‘lawyer of the future.’ Drawing from 15 years in private practice and four in-house, Hamon envisioned a consulting approach rooted in firsthand experience, aiming to position legal teams as strategic business partners.

Generative AI and the Legal Innovation Terrain

Over the past five years, Hamon’s role evolved from non-existent to trailblazing. She emphasizes the increasing trend of General Counsels (GCs) and in-house teams rebalancing priorities toward strategic partnerships. Looking ahead, Hamon anticipates a surge in demand driven by two key trends: the use of data and the critical role of change management.

As the legal industry grapples with innovation, Hamon acknowledges the recent acceleration but sees it as evolutionary rather than revolutionary. The recent buzz around Generative AI, particularly with ChatGPT’s announcements, has intensified the pace of change. But, Hamon cautiously observes that the industry is still evolving, urging a measured approach to avoid overlooking foundational elements in the rush to embrace AI.

The Role of Law Firms in the Age of AI

Addressing the role of law firms, Hamon emphasizes client needs as the compass guiding the industry’s trajectory. She foresees a natural expansion of services by law firms to meet the evolving demands of GCs and in-house lawyers dealing with increasingly complex challenges. The shift includes offering multi-disciplinary skills and support for strategic elements of their roles, such as digitalization and talent retention.

The Challenge of Gen AI FOMO

Hamon identifies the prevailing challenge in legal innovation as “FOMO,” the fear of missing out on Generative AI advancements. Amidst the noise surrounding Gen AI, teams may rush into adoption without laying the necessary foundations. Hamon underscores the risk of prioritizing the ‘fancy stuff’ over the foundational elements crucial for reaping the benefits of technological advances. In the quest for innovation, she advocates for a thoughtful approach, emphasizing the need for a strategic foundation that aligns with the core values of legal operations.

Balancing Technology and Implicit Knowledge

While recognizing the transformative potential of technology in the legal industry, Hamon underscores the significance of managing implicit knowledge—how individuals apply their knowledge in day-to-day operations. Balancing tech-driven knowledge harnessing with effective management of ways of working and relationships will define efficiency and client experience, creating a sustainable advantage. This dual focus, Hamon asserts, is essential for navigating the complexities of legal innovation and ensuring long-term success in the ever-evolving legal landscape.

Empathy in Change Management

In her final message on achieving successful change management, Hamon emphasizes “empathy.” Change management, often overlooked or simplified, requires a deep understanding of users’ needs. Hamon stresses continuous engagement, especially with skeptics, co-designing solutions, and persistent communication to ensure the change is embraced and owned by the stakeholders.

The Future of Legal Operations

Stephanie Hamon’s insights offer a nuanced perspective on the evolving legal ops landscape, cautioning against succumbing to Gen AI FOMO while advocating for a balanced and empathetic approach to change management. As the legal industry continues to evolve, the integration of Generative AI and other advanced technologies will undoubtedly play a pivotal role. However, the key to successful adoption lies in a strategic, well-founded approach that prioritizes core values and the effective management of implicit knowledge.

The Strategic Role of Data in Legal Operations

Hamon anticipates a surge in demand driven by the use of data in legal operations. Data-driven decision-making is becoming increasingly critical for legal teams aiming to enhance efficiency and deliver strategic value. By leveraging data analytics, legal teams can gain insights into their operations, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions that align with their strategic objectives.

Change Management: A Critical Component

Change management is another critical component that Hamon highlights. Effective change management ensures that new technologies and processes are adopted smoothly and that stakeholders are engaged throughout the transition. Hamon emphasizes the importance of empathy in change management, advocating for a deep understanding of users’ needs and continuous engagement with stakeholders.

The Role of Multi-Disciplinary Skills

As the legal industry evolves, the demand for multi-disciplinary skills is increasing. Legal teams are no longer confined to traditional legal roles; they are now expected to possess a diverse skill set that includes digitalization, data analytics, and strategic planning. Hamon foresees law firms expanding their services to meet these evolving demands, offering support for the strategic elements of their clients’ roles.

The Importance of Talent Retention

Talent retention is another critical area that Hamon addresses. As the legal industry becomes more complex, retaining top talent is essential for maintaining a competitive edge. Law firms and in-house legal teams must focus on creating a supportive and engaging work environment that fosters professional growth and development.

The Evolutionary Nature of Legal Innovation

Hamon views the recent acceleration in legal innovation as evolutionary rather than revolutionary. While the buzz around Generative AI and other advanced technologies has intensified the pace of change, the legal industry is still in the process of evolving. Hamon urges a measured approach to innovation, emphasizing the importance of laying a solid foundation before adopting new technologies.

The Transformative Potential of Generative AI

Generative AI, particularly with the advent of tools like ChatGPT, has the potential to transform the legal industry. These technologies can automate routine tasks, enhance decision-making, and improve overall efficiency. However, Hamon cautions against rushing into adoption without considering the foundational elements necessary for successful implementation.

The Risk of Prioritizing the ‘Fancy Stuff’

Hamon warns against the risk of prioritizing the ‘fancy stuff’ over the foundational elements crucial for reaping the benefits of technological advances. In the quest for innovation, it is essential to maintain a balanced approach that aligns with the core values of legal operations. This includes managing implicit knowledge, fostering effective ways of working, and maintaining strong relationships.

The Dual Focus for Long-Term Success

Hamon asserts that a dual focus on technology and implicit knowledge is essential for navigating the complexities of legal innovation and ensuring long-term success. By balancing tech-driven knowledge harnessing with effective management of ways of working and relationships, legal teams can create a sustainable advantage and deliver a superior client experience.

The Role of Empathy in Change Management

Empathy plays a crucial role in successful change management. Hamon emphasizes the importance of understanding users’ needs, engaging with skeptics, co-designing solutions,

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