
Spielworks is Changing. Here's Why.

July 3, 2024
7 min

First things first; we hear you. We’ve read your concerns on our tokens, our direction, and our products across various platforms. Spielworks is all about you, and each piece of feedback drives intense discussion in our teams. You want more action, more communication, and more forward momentum. You crave new experiences, features, and ways to create value. We have always been a company with a long-term vision — and now, it’s time to deliver on our plans. Today, we’re unraveling the first bits of our new direction. This is the first step of our new narrative, built on the past 12 months of acquisitions, product development, and expansion. Let’s change the gaming industry.

Revolutionizing the Gaming Industry with Web3

What if gaming could be more transparent? More accessible? More collaborative? What if Web3 could drive actual change in the gaming industry, putting power back in the hands of the players? Imagine a world where you can truly own your data, reap the rewards of your success, and capitalize on the value you create. We pose three key questions to guide our new direction.

Data Ownership: A New Paradigm

Data ownership is more important now than ever before. When you play a game, the way you play, the skills you show, the strategies you deploy — all of that generates valuable data. An increasing number of developers are using that data to train powerful AI systems or selling it to third parties. That is your data — so why should others profit from it while you get nothing?

Player Sovereignty: Breaking Boundaries

Right now, video games are a prescribed experience. Sure, there are vast worlds to explore, intense narratives to digest, and a degree of freedom in the way you play, but these are all within the boundaries of the imagination, creativity, and ingenuity of the developers. What if games could break these boundaries and become living, evolving experiences?

The Role of AI: Balancing Innovation and Privacy

AI has the potential to be a revolutionary technology for video games, but it’s also one of its biggest threats. We dream of intelligent NPCs, true-to-life characters, and a level of immersion we’ve never before experienced — but we fear the impact on data privacy, consent, and human connections. How do we gain the benefits of AI in games while avoiding the concerns?

These three questions are fundamental to the future of gaming — and not only are we asking the questions, but we’re also building the answers.

Putting the Community First

Web2 centralized value to the few. Without change, AI will only make this worse. Since 2018, we’ve made it our mission to give value back to the players. With our expertise in Web3 and the expertise of our as-yet-unannounced partners, we’ll be delivering fundamental change to the future of gaming. We’re putting you, the community, first — and ensuring any value you create will be yours to keep.

We realize this is big on words, low on action. This is the first of four posts outlining our new narrative, what you can expect from us, and our roadmap for the future. The second post will be arriving next week, where we’ll dive into what we’re building to answer the questions above, what it means for you, and our next steps together.

This is the result of more than a year of work from a dedicated team across the globe. Rest assured, we’re confident in our new direction, confident in the products we’re building, and confident in our ability to execute and deliver value for our community.

Hear from Our CEO

Our CEO Adrian Krion discussed this first step of our new narrative in his conversations over the last few days with some of the bigger token holders and publicly on stream as well. We’re building our new direction hand-in-hand with you, and Adrian will be on-hand throughout to explain our new narrative — and how it’ll make value creation the core of our ecosystem. Stay tuned.

The Future of Gaming: A Web3 Perspective

Empowering Players through Blockchain

From being the pastime of a maligned minority, gaming has evolved into a mainstream form of entertainment that is increasingly becoming one of the building blocks of pop culture. Look no further than “The Super Mario Bros Movie,” which became the highest-grossing video game adaptation of all time in a stunningly short amount of time. Then you have the beloved League of Legends (LoL) franchise of Riot Games, which has spawned an entertainment empire that goes far beyond just video games.

In spite of the overwhelming popularity of video games, however, the reality is that most gamers, unless they were esports athletes, do not earn anything from playing games. Worse, even though gamers end up spending a lot on games — from the actual titles to expansions to skins and other in-game purchases — they don’t actually own their characters and any of the items they have bought. For example, PC gamers spent approximately US$820 million dollars on gaming content in the Epic Games Store in 2022. This is the online store operated by Epic Games, the publisher of the massively popular battle royale game Fortnite.

As more industries start exploring the benefits of blockchain technology, gaming is being eyed as one of the most popular use cases for onboarding more people to Web3. Blockchain gaming not only offers the promise of fun entertainment but also ownership of digital assets and the ability to earn from them.

The Revolutionary Impact of Blockchain Gaming

What makes blockchain gaming revolutionary? Here’s what Rainmaker Games CEO Will Deane has to say. “Now, blockchain technology is similarly being adapted into video gaming’s ever-expanding scope, and for good reason. Decentralized blockchains open the door to verifiable digital ownership, enabling players to truly own the items they play with. Moreover, the revenue models of blockchain gaming are typically skewed toward the player rather than solely winding up in the pockets of the game publishers and developers. This new paradigm is unlocking an entirely new, and mostly unexplored, digital economy with real-world implications.”

In fact, gaming will be crucial to the success of blockchain, this expert emphasized. “According to Josh Chapman, managing partner at Konvoy Ventures, gaming will be the key to mass adoption of blockchain technology. The immersive and engaging nature of games makes them the perfect medium to introduce people to the benefits of blockchain.”

Tokenization: The Game Changer

The emergence of tokenization in gaming has been nothing short of revolutionary. It’s changing the way we interact with digital worlds, creating real economic value for players’ in-game actions. This paradigm shift is poised to align the interests of gamers and developers alike, fostering a vibrant ecosystem where both parties thrive on active participation and mutual benefits.

Overcoming Web3 Hurdles

While the transition to Web3 gaming is met with much fanfare, it’s not been without its obstacles. Issues such as ease of access, the intricacies of blockchain technology, and potential asset inflation have loomed large. Spielworks’ response is a strategic focus on creating sustainable, scalable solutions that maintain the essence of gaming while rewarding community involvement.

The NFT Rental Innovation

Spielworks is implementing a permissionless, open-source system at the heart of which lies an innovative approach to asset utilization — an NFT rental marketplace. This strategy aims to reduce barriers to entry, enhance liquidity,

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First things first; we hear you. We’ve read your concerns on our tokens, our direction, and our products across various platforms. Spielworks is all about you, and each piece of feedback drives intense discussion in our teams. You want more action, more communication, and more forward momentum. You crave new experiences, features, and ways to create value. We have always been a company with a long-term vision — and now, it’s time to deliver on our plans. Today, we’re unraveling the first bits of our new direction. This is the first step of our new narrative, built on the past 12 months of acquisitions, product development, and expansion. Let’s change the gaming industry.

Revolutionizing the Gaming Industry with Web3

What if gaming could be more transparent? More accessible? More collaborative? What if Web3 could drive actual change in the gaming industry, putting power back in the hands of the players? Imagine a world where you can truly own your data, reap the rewards of your success, and capitalize on the value you create. We pose three key questions to guide our new direction.

Data Ownership: A New Paradigm

Data ownership is more important now than ever before. When you play a game, the way you play, the skills you show, the strategies you deploy — all of that generates valuable data. An increasing number of developers are using that data to train powerful AI systems or selling it to third parties. That is your data — so why should others profit from it while you get nothing?

Player Sovereignty: Breaking Boundaries

Right now, video games are a prescribed experience. Sure, there are vast worlds to explore, intense narratives to digest, and a degree of freedom in the way you play, but these are all within the boundaries of the imagination, creativity, and ingenuity of the developers. What if games could break these boundaries and become living, evolving experiences?

The Role of AI: Balancing Innovation and Privacy

AI has the potential to be a revolutionary technology for video games, but it’s also one of its biggest threats. We dream of intelligent NPCs, true-to-life characters, and a level of immersion we’ve never before experienced — but we fear the impact on data privacy, consent, and human connections. How do we gain the benefits of AI in games while avoiding the concerns?

These three questions are fundamental to the future of gaming — and not only are we asking the questions, but we’re also building the answers.

Putting the Community First

Web2 centralized value to the few. Without change, AI will only make this worse. Since 2018, we’ve made it our mission to give value back to the players. With our expertise in Web3 and the expertise of our as-yet-unannounced partners, we’ll be delivering fundamental change to the future of gaming. We’re putting you, the community, first — and ensuring any value you create will be yours to keep.

We realize this is big on words, low on action. This is the first of four posts outlining our new narrative, what you can expect from us, and our roadmap for the future. The second post will be arriving next week, where we’ll dive into what we’re building to answer the questions above, what it means for you, and our next steps together.

This is the result of more than a year of work from a dedicated team across the globe. Rest assured, we’re confident in our new direction, confident in the products we’re building, and confident in our ability to execute and deliver value for our community.

Hear from Our CEO

Our CEO Adrian Krion discussed this first step of our new narrative in his conversations over the last few days with some of the bigger token holders and publicly on stream as well. We’re building our new direction hand-in-hand with you, and Adrian will be on-hand throughout to explain our new narrative — and how it’ll make value creation the core of our ecosystem. Stay tuned.

The Future of Gaming: A Web3 Perspective

Empowering Players through Blockchain

From being the pastime of a maligned minority, gaming has evolved into a mainstream form of entertainment that is increasingly becoming one of the building blocks of pop culture. Look no further than “The Super Mario Bros Movie,” which became the highest-grossing video game adaptation of all time in a stunningly short amount of time. Then you have the beloved League of Legends (LoL) franchise of Riot Games, which has spawned an entertainment empire that goes far beyond just video games.

In spite of the overwhelming popularity of video games, however, the reality is that most gamers, unless they were esports athletes, do not earn anything from playing games. Worse, even though gamers end up spending a lot on games — from the actual titles to expansions to skins and other in-game purchases — they don’t actually own their characters and any of the items they have bought. For example, PC gamers spent approximately US$820 million dollars on gaming content in the Epic Games Store in 2022. This is the online store operated by Epic Games, the publisher of the massively popular battle royale game Fortnite.

As more industries start exploring the benefits of blockchain technology, gaming is being eyed as one of the most popular use cases for onboarding more people to Web3. Blockchain gaming not only offers the promise of fun entertainment but also ownership of digital assets and the ability to earn from them.

The Revolutionary Impact of Blockchain Gaming

What makes blockchain gaming revolutionary? Here’s what Rainmaker Games CEO Will Deane has to say. “Now, blockchain technology is similarly being adapted into video gaming’s ever-expanding scope, and for good reason. Decentralized blockchains open the door to verifiable digital ownership, enabling players to truly own the items they play with. Moreover, the revenue models of blockchain gaming are typically skewed toward the player rather than solely winding up in the pockets of the game publishers and developers. This new paradigm is unlocking an entirely new, and mostly unexplored, digital economy with real-world implications.”

In fact, gaming will be crucial to the success of blockchain, this expert emphasized. “According to Josh Chapman, managing partner at Konvoy Ventures, gaming will be the key to mass adoption of blockchain technology. The immersive and engaging nature of games makes them the perfect medium to introduce people to the benefits of blockchain.”

Tokenization: The Game Changer

The emergence of tokenization in gaming has been nothing short of revolutionary. It’s changing the way we interact with digital worlds, creating real economic value for players’ in-game actions. This paradigm shift is poised to align the interests of gamers and developers alike, fostering a vibrant ecosystem where both parties thrive on active participation and mutual benefits.

Overcoming Web3 Hurdles

While the transition to Web3 gaming is met with much fanfare, it’s not been without its obstacles. Issues such as ease of access, the intricacies of blockchain technology, and potential asset inflation have loomed large. Spielworks’ response is a strategic focus on creating sustainable, scalable solutions that maintain the essence of gaming while rewarding community involvement.

The NFT Rental Innovation

Spielworks is implementing a permissionless, open-source system at the heart of which lies an innovative approach to asset utilization — an NFT rental marketplace. This strategy aims to reduce barriers to entry, enhance liquidity,

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